Safety Level

And the Beat Goes On…

If you’ve visited SDC in the last few weeks, you’ve likely noticed a few new faces around the studio and front desk.  One of those new faces is mine – Kerry Horton (“Ms. Kerry”).  I’m a graduate of The University of Texas-Arlington with a BFA in Theatre Art Design and have around 20 years of dance training.

In addition to having the honor of teaching level one and two ballerinas and danseurs, I will also teach a pre-professional theatrical make-up class this fall.  When I’m not in the studio, you might find me behind the front desk or writing a post for the SDC blog.

This year, you’ll see posts on the blog ranging from the informational (“Why are they called pointe shoes?”) to the inspirational (“There are shortcuts to happiness and dance is one of them”).  The goal of the blog is to share news and knowledge with parents and dancers as well as inspire discussion inside and outside of SDC.

I’d like to sign off on my posts with how my grandfather used to wish me luck before classes and performances.  Instead of “break a leg,” he’d say “trip the light fantastic.”

I’m so happy to have the opportunity to share my love of dance with SDC Families!

Trip the light fantastic, dancers!

~Ms. Kerry




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