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Archive for March, 2017

Spring Concert Prep: Backstage Bag

Your dancer has practiced and practiced her number.  The costume is on and the hair is in a bun. The show is about to begin!  Now, the wait until her number begins.  So much can happen in the time between when a dancer is dropped off backstage and when they go on stage.  Being prepared […]


Spring Concert Prep: Dance Shoes

With all of the excitement around costumes and make-up, it’s easy to overlook one of the most important pieces of a dancers’ outfit – her shoes. Has your dancer recently had a growth spurt?  It’s a good time to have feet measured to ensure that shoes are fitting properly.  There’s nothing quite as uncomfortable as […]


Twirling Trolls Mini-Camp!

Is your little one ready to TWIRL into dance class?  Join us for a Twirling Trolls Mini-Camp on Saturday, April 1 from 3:00-4:15pm! Open to 3-8 year olds, this mini-camp will feature dance class basics, trolls-themed crafts, dance games, and more! It’s just $2 cash to attend! Open to children who are NEW to SDC!  […]


Spring Concert Prep: Hair

One of the first thing that comes to mind when you think about a dancer, is the iconic ballet bun. We’ve pulled together tips and tricks to get even the most unruly and challenging coifs into a neat and tidy bun. 1. Resist the urge to cut! Try to hold off on cutting your dancer’s […]


Get Your Dance Inspiration Here

Dancers find inspiration all around them: In the music they hear, books they read, movies they watch, and shows they see.  Find even more inspiration in these quotes about finding your joy, reaching your goals, and dancing your dance! “Take more chances.  Dance more dances!”  


Spring Concert Prep: Make-Up

Wearing dance recital make-up is a unique milestone in a dancer’s life!  It can be a fun adventure or can seem daunting if it’s a parent’s first time to apply make up on their child. Keep in mind that the goal of make-up for the recital is to ensure that your dancer’s features are visible from the […]