Dance Dress Code Decoded – Cover-Ups
We’ve covered why dancers, both boys and girls, have worn the same classic pieces for decades, I wanted to share a few thoughts about two very important items in the SDC policy:
- Wear a cover-up as you arrive and leave the studio, and
- Do not wear your dance shoes outside
Why wear a cover-up? It’s only a few steps from Mom or Dad’s car to the door, right? There are three reasons to cover up dance clothes:
- Etiquette
- Respect
- Physical fitness
Dance studio etiquette is just as vital as learning the difference between a plié and a passé. Covering your dance clothes is a tradition passed from teacher to student. Other forms of exercise like drill team or aerobic classes generally do not teach this tradition just as they do not teach a structured dance class. In order to stand apart from others who workout at the gym or practice yoga, and preserve dance as a revered art form, dancers must respect the traditions passed to them from their teachers.
Respect for one’s self and the community is another reason to cover up your dance clothes. If a stop at the grocery store was on the schedule after a swim lesson, would you wear your swimsuit into the store? You’d have either changed or put on a cover-up because the store wouldn’t be an appropriate place to wear your swimsuit. The same goes for your dance class attire. Even though your dancer may be young, it is never too early to teach the habit of putting on a cover-up, just as it is never too early to teach good manners.
The final reason for wearing a cover-up is physical fitness. If muscles cool down too quickly, it can result in injury. This is why you’ll find that each class requires some leg covering for dancers, be it tights or jazz pants.
For all students, covering from the shoulders to ankles is recommended. A light t-shirt and jazz pants or capris are great for the summer. For colder months, reach for a heavier weight like sweatpants or a hoodie or sweatshirt.
Your SDC t-shirts, sweats, hoodies, and jazz pants make great cover-up options and are great ways to show your SDC Spirit!
Whatever your choice of cover-up, remember, it is about more than just another line on the SDC policy. Wearing a cover-up is part of dance tradition and instills a sense of etiquette and respect as well as helps prevent injury.
If you have any questions about cover-ups, please feel free to speak to any of the SDC Staff. We’re always ready to answer any questions!
Trip the light fantastic, dancers!
~Ms. Kerry