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Dancer Fuel: Healthy Snacks to Keep You Moving


It doesn’t take long to realize that dancing is hard work! Keeping your body fueled up and ready for classes is just as important as remembering your dance bag and choreography.

What are some of your instructors’ favorite go-to snacks?

“I love roasted chickpeas, hard boiled eggs, and apple slices with peanut butter.  Lots of good protein and fuel for your body.”  – Ms. Jamie

“Almonds, toasted sesame sticks, pretzels or carrots with hummus, and kind of a guilty pleasure – not sure how good they are for me – but Snap Pea Crisps are heavenly!” – Ms. Ariela

“My favorite snacks to keep me fueled are pretzels or Wheat Thins with Laughing Cow cheese wedges, some ham or turkey roll-ups, grapes or bananas, and some trail mix for my sweet tooth.” – Ms. Kayla

Check out Dance Advantage’s post about healthy snacks for dancers that give healthy protein, fat, and a complex carbohydrate.  These snacks are easy to put together and pack well too!

Always remember to stay hydrated with the best drink option out there – water!


Trip the light fantastic, dancers!

Ms. Kerry


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